Last week we looked at the thought of trying to find peace in world where there seems to be very little of it.
In realizing that true peace can only come from God, we need to begin to accept the fact that God does, in fact exist, and that He has a plan and a way to give us, not just a life of peace, but a life of abundance.
This week, we explore the reason why so many secular, humanistic attempts at world peace and inner peace fall sadly short of the mark.
In Job 10, verses 20-22, Job is in a dire place, as he proclaims,
"I have only a few days left, so leave me alone, I have only a few days left, so leave me alone, that I may have a moment of comfort..."
"...It is a land as dark as midnight, a land of gloom and confusion, where even the light is dark as midnight."
Okay, Job is not in a happy place. He has lost his focus and he has lost perspective.
As our world has tried to eliminate God from the picture, we are left with a world that feels just as Job did.
Eliminate God and our lives become an inane, meaningless attempt of survival, hoping against hope to hold off death for as long as possible.
An artist once said that, "If I can get the sky right, I can get the picture right."
God is our sky, and when our sky isn't right, nothing else fits into place either.
Since the brash declaration that, "God is Dead" by the great philosophers of our time, mankind has yearned for God to come back.
If God is dead, than there is no hope for humanity, If God is dead than life becomes very difficult, with no end in sight.
But in 1 Corinthians 15, the Apostle Paul writes, "But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died."
That is our blessed hope of a better tomorrow and an eternity found in the peace and rest of God.
God's not dead, He hasn't gone on vacation. We just need to draw near to Him
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